ロリータ18号 (Lolita No. 18)
カラテの先生 (Karate Teacher)(1995年2月24日)
1. 秘密のドア (A Secret Door)
2. 命のねだん (Price Of Your Life)
3. サマータイムブルース (Summertime Blues)
4. みんなのうた (Song For Everybody)
5. アレルギー (Allergy)
6. ロマンチスト2 (Romantist II)
7. It's A Small World
8. 眠れない初めてのクラス会
9. 東京キノコ (Tokyo Mushroom)
10. Pussy Cat
11. 運 (Un)
12. 転 (Ten)
13. 手 (Shu)
14. !!!
Karate no Sensei
pw: cuddlefish
Lovin' these grrrls, you can keep 'em comin' if you like.
Did I already mention that i love your blog?
Thanks for this one. I love all of the Japanese girl groups; this band, Shonen Knife, Lulu's Marble, The 5,6,7,8's and especially the Pebbles. The Pebbles First Album is my favorite of all. Now if I could only find a copy of Pink Pistachio Candy...
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