Sacrificial Cake (1995)
1.Lavender Girl
2. Ode to V
3. Shimmer (Instrumental)
4. My Buried Child
5. Not Logical
6. Spiral Staircase
7. Yum-Yab
8. Surgical Savior
9. Caché Toi
10. Tragic Seed
11. Troll Lullaby
12. Deflowered
13. The Body Lover
14. Shimmer
15. Act III
16. Troll
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Sacrificial Cake
pw: cuddlefish
Thanks. Witchy-poo nursery rhymes, most of the time, but at least it's not Tori Anus. Has its moments, however. The Beautiful People, Ltd. album, which preceded this, was much better, because J. wasn't taking herself so seriously.
Probably one of her better solo albums. "Anhedoniac" still takes the cake, though. the whole cake.
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